We are an exciting HealthTech startup based in Stavanger, Norway.
Our core team consists of Muzziball-inventor and CEO, Ingerine Dahl and COO Aleksandra Jankovic from a solid and innovative business background.
We have already built a strong and exciting developing/production team with in-house production of the shells and development of the HW/SW in collaboration with Silicon Valley based Hexabitz.
We have several exciting science based collaborations with UIO, RITMO and UIS regarding research in the neuroscience, AI, musicology, psychology and music-therapy fields and we are actively building an AI-based database of content structured by emotions to further the user-experience.
Our first sales are made and we are working towards clinical studies within the dementia and autism field.
Apart from being the inventor of Muzziball, founder Ingerine Dahl is a well-known artist with more than 20 years of experience as a professional musician (Stavanger Symphony Orchestra/Dextra) and leader of innovative projects, with a national & international network of experts reaching from music-therapy to neuroplasticity, AI and gamification.
Aleksandra Jankovic is a leader with 15 years of experience in international business and innovation, with a great passion for projects with social impacts. She holds an MBA degree (Goethe Business School Frankfurt) and is specialized in business innovation and sustainability (particularly circularity).
SW/AI Developer
Manufacturing Specialist
HW/SW Developer
Product/Graphic Designer
• Trude Marit Risnes (styreleder) joins Muzziball as head of board
• Per Ivar Selvaag (mentor)
• Collaboration Oslo Cancer Cluster
• PhD-project “Circular Product Development) (UIS)
• AI-development (SAIL/UIS)
• fNIRS-testing (RITMO/UIO)
• SALE to RITMO (14 Muzziballs)
• Developing “Demenskoret” testing (Stavanger Kommune)
• Muzziball presenting at BUV-conferance
• Muzziball version 2 ready for B2B market
• Muzziball at VITALIS
• Muzziball AS
• VRI-grant (FOU: RITMO, WestControl)
• Hannes Lekestue intensjonsavtale test-partnere
• Katedralskolen «Gimle» (Kristiansand) test-partners and market-specialists
• FIRST SALE: Kilden Kulturhus for 10 Muzziballs
• Muzziball AS in MCT Applied Project 2023 at UIO
• Developing Muzziball-APP
• Sparekassen Sykehjem intensjonsavtale test-customers and market-specialists
• ODV Vittoria (Abruzzo/IT) FIRST INTERNATIONAL testcustomers and market-specialists
• Katapult-grant
• COO Aleksandra Jankovic joins Muzziball AS
• Investors KDI & Trude Marit Risnes join Muzziball AS
• Innovation Norway (Kommersialisering 1)
• Collaboration with Hexabitz (Silicon Valley USA)
• EIRA Health Accelerator
• MVP developed in collaboration with Dag Egil Njaa& Pål Asle Pettersen
• Innovation Norway grant (Markedsavklaring)
• Testing at Hannes Lekestue (children)
• Testing at Katedralskolen Gimle (autisme/multihandicap)
• GründerAcademy (top 3 Rogaland)
• Norsk Helseconsortium-grant
• Testing at Sparekassen Sykehjem (dementia)
• Testing at Skaret Avlastningssenter (child-autism/multi handicap/mental illness)
• Smart Lab Stakeholders-rapport (third-party review)
• “Rehabilitering og aktiviseringsløsninger” – Presentation at Norwegian Smart Care Cluster