Pilot customer developing Muzzi-program for Italian Market
“Muzziball is universal and very welcome in Italian market”
We have tested Muzziball funded by Norsk Helseconsortium and by the Norwegian Smart Lab (third-party) at Sparekassen sykehjem and Skaret rehabilitation.
Dementia (elderly)
Autism/multi-handicapped (children/youth)
Even patients with very limited motorics showed a great wish to move with the Muzziball
The lights and sounds create an immediate fascination and interest for Muzziball
The contestants expressed joy and excitement over the color-changes, and different sounds
Very clear engagement in the group-activity (more than usual)
Some respond more to the lights, some to the sounds
There is a need for a facilitator in the group-activity, but it can be one of the more active patients or anybody else around
Positive in contact between patients and carer/family
The fact that the users preferences can dictate the content is extremely positive
Positive that it comes in two different sizes
Works really well both for single and group-usage
Many ways of using it; touching, spinning, dancing, lying down, sitting in wheelchair, small movements, large moves etc
Simple, intuitive and easy to use
Exciting product that immediately creates positive emotions
We would like to put Muzziball on the weekly schedule